Hello friends,
As the new year rolls in, I will be directing my focus to providing more timely content for clients and site visitors. Blogs are a new realm for me, so there will be a lot of learning and tweaking as I go.
I’m a large advocate of “pictures worth a 1000 words,” so I won’t feel compelled to write long, poetic descriptions of the images or the events. These posts will be intended to give all of you a deeper glimpse into the events and sessions while allowing the images to mostly speak for themselves. I aim to keep the more magical and more intimate details of my clients’ experiences between them, and hope you can appreciate that as well.
I’m open to suggestions, so please feel free to contact me with any ideas or feedback as I grow in this process.
Thank you for being here through this new learning experience, and I hope I can give you content that you’ll enjoy as much as I do.
Stand by for a new Welcome post I’ll be publishing soon that will tell a little more about me, my process, and how I’ve goten to where I am currently.